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6 Февруари, 2018 20:16 2 637 5

Пухкавата братовчедка на Джиджи и Бела Хадид има модни амбиции (СНИМКИ)

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Пухкавата братовчедка на Джиджи и Бела Хадид има модни амбиции (СНИМКИ) - 1
Снимки: Instagram

Пухкавата братовчедка на Джиджи и Бела Хадид прохожда в света на модата. Младата, закръглена хубавица има амбиции да върви по стъпките на двата ангела на Виктория Сикрет.

19-годишната Джоан ван дер Херик е дъщеря на чичото на звездните сестри и е силно мотивирана да стане популярна като тях. Блондинката вече има няколко сериозни договора и ангажименти на подиума.

Strike a pose 💁🏼‍♀️

A post shared by Joann (@joannvdherik) on Feb 3, 2018 at 1:36pm PST

„Винаги съм искала да бъда модел, но не осъзнавах, че мога да се реализирам добре заради размера на дрехите, които нося“, споделя тя.

I'm feeling really blessed today. Thankful for this life, thankful for my family, thankful I get to share my story with you guys everyday! As many of you may know, I haven't always been positive about my body. I think the hardest time for me was in High School, where I had to pretend I was confident otherwise I felt weak. I remember kids in my class calling me "sea cow" as a joke. Well, it wasn't a joke to me. But instead of telling them how I felt, I laughed it away. This is just one of the many examples. I think this happens to everybody in high school and it's not okay. People are afraid to stand up to other people because they don't want to be bullied or left out of the group. I get that; but you shouldn't let someone continuously hurt you or other people like that. Because of people telling me I looked like a seacow or people telling me I was fat or "friends" telling me I gained weight, I felt like I wasn't worth anything. I felt like I was nothing just because I had a different body type. It's easier said than done but: Don't let people's words get to you. Whether it's your family, friends, classmates or strangers, don't let their words affect how you feel about yourself. At the end of the day, everyone can have their opinion, but YOU are the one who needs to accept yourself. You need to change your mind. You need to change the way you see things. That's when accepting yourself gets a lot easier. Stop comparing yourself to other people! We are constantly comparing ourselves, making ourselves feel less desirable in comparison to others. Instead of comparing yourself to someone else, think "omg she's so beautiful, and I'm beautiful too". Or when you see a fat roll in the mirror think "I have fatrolls, everybody has them!". Don't let your insecurities define you. You're more than your appearances, you're more than your weight, you're more than the person you see in the mirror. Your weight is the least interesting thing about you! Focus on what's within, and if your mind is positive, you will see the world in a whole different way 💘 Don't value your body over your being. #BodyPositive #LoveYourself #PositiveThinking #LoveYourBody #EveryBodyIsBeautiful

A post shared by Joann (@joannvdherik) on Jan 23, 2018 at 3:40am PST

Джоан вярва, че всяко тяло е красиво. Затова и държи снимките й да не бъдат преобразявани от Photoshop.

Амбициозната красавица вече има над 58 хиляди последователи в Instagram. Редовно споделя снимки, изобразяваща „физическите й недостатъци“, показва се и без грим.

‼️THIS IS REALITY‼️ Yep, this is how I look like when I’m sick. No pants, no showing my good sides, no makeup. I want to show you all that even people with many followers can look and feel like sh*t. People on Instagram aren’t perfect. You’re not alone. I’ve been sick for 3 days now, I’ve felt unhappy, uncomfortable and insecure. I def not look my best right now and that just makes me wanna avoid the mirror. I just want to lay in bed feeling ugly and sorry for myself. But I know that’s not a solution. Instead of doing that, I’m showing you all: my biggest insecurities. I’ve talked about it a couple of times, but my belly rolls and my legs are my biggest insecurities and I feel like showing them makes me beat my insecurities and learn to love them instead. The second picture is my bare face, without washing it or even combing my hair/eyebrows, I think there are still too many people who are afraid to go outside like this. You should all realize that you’re already beautiful, make-up just lightens up the best parts of your face. It doesn’t make you more beautiful. Because you already BEAUTIFUL AF. I know it’s hard. It’s hard showing your insecurities. It’s hard realizing you’re beautiful when you feel like you’re not worthy of anything. I’m lucky I’m confident enough to do it now, but I’ve not always been this confident. It’s a tough road. But realize a few things: if your future daugther or son had your body, or even your best friend, your sister, your brother, would you tell them to hate it? Would you tell them they’re ugly? That they should lose weight? That they can’t wear whatever they want? That they aren’t worthy of love? No. You would tell them that their size does NOT define them. So don’t treat yourself differently. #BeautyBeyondSize #BodyPositive

A post shared by Joann (@joannvdherik) on Feb 6, 2018 at 3:52am PST

„Не искам да крия „грозната“ си страна. Старая се да я показвам по-често, защото съм я приела“, казва тя. Джоан призовава връстниците си да обличат това, което им харесва, да се хранят с нещата, които им допадат и най-вече да обичат себе си.

AND YES I HAVE A PIMPLE IM HUMAN AND I LOVE IT 😜 It's such a beautiful day today and it made me realize I'm so happy and thankful to be alive. And that's a reason to make others happy too ❤️ This is for all the girls and boys out there who feel insecure about their bodies: YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, YOU ARE WONDERFUL, YOU ARE UNIQUE, YOU'RE AMAZING, YOU'RE GOOD ENOUGH. I know what you're going through and I know that my words aren't enough, but I want to show you guys how to overcome your fears of showing your body and your insecurities. You know what I used to do to hide my fatrolls? I kept standing all day eventhough I was super tired so people wouldn't see I had fatrolls when I sat. I used to wear a pants when swimming because I didn't want people to see my legs. I used to not eat all day when I was with other people. THIS ISN'T RIGHT. And I know a lot of girls and boys do this too and only because you're afraid people will judge you. Well, believe me, they will always judge you, so just do you. 💪🏼 It's so hard to realize that you're beautiful when your head is telling you you're not. You see all those images of thin people and you look nothing like that so you start to hate your body. But your worth is not measured by the size of your waist or the size of your abs!!! It's okay to have curves, it's okay to have cellulite, it's okay to have fatrolls, it's okay to have no abs. And it's okay to have insecurities but don't let them control you. Don't let those insecurities stop you from doing or wearing things that you love. I let my insecurities control my life and it made me unhappy, negative and angry to all the people in my life. DON'T LET THAT HAPPEN! Challenge yourself to replace those negative thoughts with something positive, stop comparing yourself to others, you're YOU and that's what makes you unique and beautiful. Treat your body with respect, love and kindness, and try to lift other people up with positive words. You can do this. And if anyone ever needs help overcoming their insecurities, just send me a message. Happiness isn't size specific, remember that ❤️ #LoveYourBody #EmbraceYourCurves #YoureBEAUTIFUL #MyJourney

A post shared by Joann (@joannvdherik) on Nov 22, 2017 at 6:27am PST

All my life I've been focused on my weight. "Fat" is used so often with women. I grew up thinking "fat" is the worst thing you could be called by someone. I thought "fat" was an insult. But calling someone fat, says more about the person who said it, than about yourself. You see, I HAVE fat, I'm not fat. Fat does not define me. I know what I eat, how much I exercise. I know that I'm a lot more than just my appearances. Sometimes I take flattering photos with make-up on (on the left) and sometimes I'm just not feeling posing and HATE make-up (on the right). Both is okay. Both bodies are OKAY. Most people would say picture two is an unflattering photo. But I love it. I love that you can see my imperfections, my fatrolls, my imperfect skin, my cellulite. Those are all my insecurities in one single picture. This is a big step for me because I'm still insecure and not 100% confident, but I want to show you guys that even people with many followers aren't perfect. I used to HATE every inch of my body. That mindset not only made me grumpy towards myself, but towards every one around me. It made me envious towards other women. I'm happy I realised that my body is great and that "perfect" doesn't exist. With this picture, I wanted to show every boy and girl out there, that YOUR BODY IS BEAUTIFUL. Your body is gorgeous, your body is unique, your body is yours. You can have fatrolls. You can have pimples. You can have stretchmarks. You can have everything you want. You can be whatever you want. Our stories and experiences make us who we are and that's the most amazing thing. Take that with you and embrace your body, embrace those curves! Make your insecurities your own, turn them into something positive, make them YOU! Don't hate your body until you lose weight or get the perfect body at the gym, do it the whole way, do it NOW! Loving yourself is greatest achievement of all ❤️ #LoveYourself #LoveYourBody #BodyPositive

A post shared by Joann (@joannvdherik) on Jan 31, 2018 at 11:10am PST

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